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  • Defining My Design Philosophy

    Until recently, I had never taken the time to put my design philosophy into words, I never really felt the need. It was something that quietly guided me, like an invisible hand.

    I am glad that I did take this time to articulate my philosophy though, as it has given me more clarity of purpose and inspiration. It has given the invisible hand a much stronger presence in my mind.

    This is the basis of my evolving design philosophy and how it influences my leadership style when working with design teams.

    Design Is Not Art

    Art is driven by personal expression and aesthetic exploration, design however, serves a purpose and solves problems.

    Design is an intentional, thoughtful process that has strategy and direction baked in. It focuses on creating functional and meaningful solutions.

    With out strategy, without direction and without a solution to our customers problems, design is art.

    But it doesn’t mean we can’t mix the two…

    Design Is Never Perfect

    Perfection is a fool’s pursuit and I alredy know I am far from perfect.

    Instead of striving for perfection, embrace the iterative nature of design. By continuously refining and improving designs based on feedback, user testing, and real-world usage you are more likely to deliver a successful product.

    Iteration allows us to learn, adapt, and evolve designs to better meet the needs of customers and the objectives of the project.

    I embrace the iterative nature of design. Iteration is the key to progress.

    Form Follows Function

    When it comes to design, understanding the purpose and goals of the project is a requirement. By placing functionality and usability at the forefront of the design process, I strive to create solutions that are intuitive, efficient, and deliver a seamless user experience.

    It’s about making design choices that serve a purpose.

    Be Empathetic

    By understanding and empathising with the needs, goals, and emotions of the customer we design for, we can better address their pain points, create relevant solutions, and foster meaningful connections. Empathy drives inclusive design practices that consider diverse perspectives and ensure that designs are accessible and inclusive for all users.

    You have to remind yourself that ”You are not the customer“.

    As I continue to evolve as a designer and a leader, my design philosophy remains a steadfast companion, reminding me of the principles that matter most in my creative endeavors. It’s not just about crafting visually appealing designs; it’s about crafting solutions that make a difference.